
Elsie Yebiah Opuni


Elsie Yeboah is a level 200 law student at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). The areas of law Elsie expresses interest mostly are : Immovable Property, Human Rights Law and Public International Law of which she would like to specialize in Criminal law in the near future. Should Elsie be less busy, what she is mostly caught up with are either watching movies, hanging out with friends. Elsie also loves site seeing. Prior to Elsie entering the law school , she developed interest in reading Psychology. Elsie draws her inspiration from her parents and her elder siblings who seek to bring the best out of her in diverse ways. She is also passionate about gender equality due to past experiences. While in high school, Elsie was part of the Debating club which has helped boost her confidence and also helped in her communication skills. Elsie is currently interning at Maccarthy and Associates, to have experience and skills in the course of her legal journey.